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    Idina Menzel attends the 2016 American Music Awards at Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles - November 20, 2016 (108x) Update

    AW: Idina Menzel attends the 2016 American Music Awards at Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles - November 20, 2016 (8x) Very beautiful, thank you!
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    Bar Refaeli in Milan before leaving for the Sanremo Song Festival 12.2.2013 x111 Update 2

    AW: Bar Refaeli in Milan before leaving for the Sanremo Song Festival 12.2.2013 x67 Update Very chic. Thanks!
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    Jennifer Lopez - "The back-up plan" (2010) - 28x

    This is such an old post, but thank you!
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    Jennifer Lopez - go to a party at Cecconis, Los Angeles - February 13, 2013 (54x) Update

    AW: Jennifer Lopez - go to a party at Cecconis, Los Angeles - February 13, 2013 (9x) Thanks for Jennifer!
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    :thx: Thanks!!
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    Hi everyone! I'm new! :D